Together We Can Reduce Extremism

Welcome To The Small Steps Training & Education Hub
Challenging Extremist Narratives Through Training, Interaction And Discussion

Safeguarding Through Education
Activities With Young People In Mind
Seeking to open up discussions and have conversations that matter, our website encourages young people to discuss difficult subjects like race, extremism, safeguarding and more.
Want to know more? Click below and start your journey.
Parental Advice & Support
Understanding how parents worry, this website is about protecting people, educating them about the dangers of extremism and showing them ways to offer alternatives to extremist narratives
Want to know more? Click below and find out how having a loved one involved impacts families.
Supporting Educators To Discuss and Defuse
As a frontline staff member or community activist you may have noticed conversations around, race, extremism, immigration or grooming.
To assist you in having these difficult conversations, our website has an array of activities to engage with people and have difficult conversations. To find out more please, click below.